“What have you been up to lately Drake?”, asked his friend at the first day of school.
Let me tell you, as the
chauffeur of Drake Taylor, his life has been full! One of the highlights of the summer was the Peoria County 4-H Fair. Drake showed three trio set of his bantam and standard size chickens, along with six other projects. He proudly stood in line awaiting the opportunity to speak to the judge for each project.
The Visual Arts- Glass category was the one his was most excited about. Drake made a pair of pink glass bead earrings. He spent a lot of time making the pattern, taking beads off, rearranging and then starting all over again. This particular pair of earrings took over 45 minutes to make! He wanted them just right. “I want the judge to like them mom, this is my favorite.” When he finally said he was done designing he called me over to turn the top of the wire into a loop to attach to the earring clip. They were beautiful; each bead was a different shade and shape of pink. He was very proud. “I like these mom, they are a winner!” A winning pair of earrings they have been. Drake won Class Champion in the glass division, a superior ribbon, 4-H Trophy and qualified for the Illinois State Fair. Drake presented the earrings to the State 4-H Fair on August 13 in Springfield, IL and went on to win an Award of Excellence and a Superior State Fair ribbon! He is now qualified to attend Legislators Day next spring to present his project once again. Those pink glass beaded earring hold a very special place in his heart as Drake just learned this spring how to make jewelry from his Aunt Brenda when she was visiting us from Sand Springs, OK.
Drake went on to show his chickens later on that morning and won an additional 14 ribbons along with to class champions with his Black
Austrolorp Chickens. His favorite of all the chickens are his Black Tail Buff Japanese Bantams. As you can tell from the pictures, Drake loves his chickens! Drake also showed his miniature call ducks and won a blue ribbon is that class as well.
It was an award winning few days at the 4-H Fair. Drake won a total of 31
ribbons including 4 Class Champions, 6
Superior Ribbons, 1 State
Delegate and 2 Alternate State Fair
Delegate awards, and a 4-H trophy. As many of you know, Drake has always loved to create and design things. The Dunlap Dynamite 4-H Club has given him an
opportunity to show his
treasures off!